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Have you been dreaming about a new smile that dazzles friends and family? Or perhaps eliminates a discoloured or misshapen smile? Veneers could be a way for you to achieve that. They can create a smile makeover from previously damaged or discoloured teeth. They aren’t for everyone however, so the best option is to have […]

Dental Anxiety

For many people, going to the dentist is an unpleasant but manageable experience. For others, just the thought of going to the dentist causes severe anxiety, leading them to delay or avoid dental treatment. Unfortunately, this behaviour can spiral into a vicious circle of dental pain, heath problems, worse anxiety, and more complex and costly […]

Do I need to straighten my teeth?

When you walk along the street or in the shops, you would notice more people than ever before with braces. Then you might talk to family, friends and work colleagues and find out they are electing to get orthodontic treatment done as well! More and more people are electing to have orthodontic treatment completed, and […]

6 mistakes when brushing

We all learnt from Healthy Harold the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day, but do you know the small tips and tricks to maximise your oral health? Our very own Dr Gregory Nguyen sheds some light on 6 mistakes you can make when brushing.  Using the wrong toothbrush.It is easy to think that […]

Do missing teeth have to be replaced?

We all know accidents happen – You fall over on your bike on a sunny weekend, the dog runs in front of your feet and trips you over, or now with lockdown easing, after a really good Saturday night dinner with friends you misstep coming out of the restaurant. But what happens when that simple […]

About Smiles Chatswood welcomes hygienist Cathy Liang

As we sadly farewell our Chatswood and Zetland hygienist Rachel Waldron, we are excited to welcome our new hygienist Cathy Liang to the Chatswood team. As a mum, she understands how busy the family life can be, let alone trying to maintain your oral care along with a work life balance. She understands that her […]

Why your teeth matter to your overall health

Dentists and oral hygienists emphasize the importance of having regular check-ups and a clean every couple of months, and sometimes it feels difficult to fit into our busy schedules, but did you know your oral health is connected to your physical and mental health? Studies have found that conditions such as heart infection and disease, […]

Dr Docherty on Channel 9’s The Today Show

While getting regular check-ups is at the core of your dental care, to maintain a good foundation, sometimes the look and colour of our teeth can beat us down. Watch Dr Aodhan Docherty talk about the impact of white and bright smile! You can also check out our whitening page. Check out Dr Aodhan Docherty […]

I’m unhappy with the look of my teeth. What can I do?

We all have that friend who has that Hollywood smile – Perfectly straight teeth, pearly white and exuding confidence. They seem happier and healthier. These ideas have been proven in multiple studies, which show that individuals who smile more: Live longer Have decreased cortisol = The stress hormone Improved mood = Release of ‘happy’ hormones […]

General Dentists vs Paediatric

Have you ever gone to a dental appointment and suddenly you’re told you need to see a dental specialist? Cue concern and anxiety. Let’s step back, and firstly focus on what is the difference between a general dentist and specialist? A general dentist focuses on the whole mouth, maintaining good oral hygiene, treating issues which […]