The Difference Between Crowns and Bridges: A Comprehensive Guide

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You may have heard your dentist mention dental crowns and bridges in an appointment or perhaps a friend had one done. But what exactly are they, and what’s the difference? If you’re feeling a bit confused, you’re not alone. Many people aren’t sure what these dental treatments involve or when they might need one and our guide is here to clear things up.

What are Dental Crowns?

Let’s start with dental crowns. Think of a crown as a protective cover for your tooth. It’s like a little hat (or crown) that fits snugly over a tooth to protect it and keep it strong. Crowns are usually made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, or metal, and are designed to look just like your natural teeth, so no one will know the difference.

When You Might Need a Dental Crown

You might need a dental crown if:

  • Your tooth is weak or damaged: If a tooth has been weakened by decay or injury, a crown can prevent it from breaking.
  • Your tooth is broken or worn down: Dental crowns can restore a tooth that’s already broken or seriously deteriorated.
  • You’ve had a root canal: After a root canal, a crown is often placed to protect the tooth.
  • You have a large filling: If a tooth has a big filling and very little of the original tooth is left, a crown can help hold everything together.
  • You want to improve the appearance of a tooth: Dental crowns can also be used to cover up a tooth that’s discoloured or misshapen.

How Do Dental Crowns Work?

Getting a crown is a straightforward and simple process. First, your dentist will prepare your tooth by shaping it so the crown can fit snugly on top. Then, they’ll take a mould of your tooth to create a crown that fits perfectly. While you wait for your permanent crown, your dentist may place a temporary one to protect your tooth.

Once your custom-made crown is ready, your dentist will make sure it fits just right and matches the colour of your other teeth. Then, it’s cemented into place. With proper care, a crown can last for many years, giving your tooth the protection it needs.

What are Dental Bridges?

Now, let’s talk about dental bridges. If you’re missing one or more teeth, a bridge can help fill in the gap. A bridge is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap and a false tooth (or teeth) in between. The crowns on either end are anchored to your natural teeth or dental implants, holding the bridge in place.

When You Might Need a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge might be the right option if:

  • You’re missing a tooth or several teeth: Bridges for teeth are commonly used to replace one or more missing teeth, helping you chew and speak normally.
  • You want to prevent other teeth from shifting: When there’s a gap, your other teeth can start to move out of place. A bridge helps keep your teeth in their proper positions.
  • You want to maintain the shape of your face: Missing teeth can cause your face to look sunken. A bridge helps maintain the natural shape of your face.

H2: How Do Dental Bridges Work?

The process for getting a dental bridge is much the same as getting a crown. The teeth on either side of the gap are prepared, just like they would be for crowns. Then, a mould is taken so the bridge can be custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly. While you’re waiting for your bridge, your dentist may place a temporary one to protect your gums and teeth.

Once your permanent bridge is ready, it’s checked for fit and comfort before being cemented in place. With attentive care and regular dental appointments, a dental bridge can also last for many years.

Breaking Down the Differences: Crown vs Bridge

PurposeCovers and protects a single tooth.Fills in a gap left by one or more missing teeth.
UseUsed to protect or restore a damaged tooth.Used to replace missing teeth.
StructureA single piece that fits over a tooth.Made up of several crowns connected together with a false tooth or teeth in the middle.
CostGenerally less expensive.Typically more expensive due to more materials and work involved.
AttachmentCemented directly onto a tooth or an implant.Anchored by the teeth or implants on either side of the gap.

Which is Right For You?

Deciding between a crown and a bridge doesn’t have to be confusing. Crowns are perfect for restoring and protecting a single damaged tooth and can prolong the life of your natural tooth, while bridges are the go-to solution for replacing missing teeth. 

While these solutions don’t come cheap, investing in a crown or bridge not only improves the look of your smile but enhances functionality, allowing you to eat whatever you like without pain or discomfort. With both cosmetic and practical benefits, they’re a smart choice for your long-term oral health. If you’re unsure which treatment is right for you, the experienced dental team at About Smiles can help guide you based on your specific needs.

Remember, taking care of your dental health is crucial for maintaining a beautiful, functional smile. Whether you need a crown, a bridge, or just routine care, About Smiles are there to help you every step of the way. Contact us if you have any further questions or book an appointment today.